Customer Service Accessibility Policy



Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. has adopted this policy in the pursuit of providing consistently high customer service standards for all clients, regardless of race, creed, age, gender, or disability.

All customer service provided by Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. shall follow the ideals of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Persons with disabilities may use assistive devices and/or support persons in the access of goods and services. We will meet or exceed all applicable legislation regarding the provision of customer service.


Accessibility Coordinator - The person appointed by Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. as Accessibility Coordinator

Assistive Devices - Any auxiliary aid such as communication aids, cognition aids, personal mobility aids and medical aids (i.e. canes, crutches, wheelchairs, or hearing aids.

Persons with Disabilities – Any person that has a disability as defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code (e.g. Person with a Visual Impairment, Person with a Hearing Impairment, etc.).

Employee: Any person who deals with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd., whether the person does so as an employee, agent, volunteer or otherwise

Service Animals – Animals specially trained to assist a person with a disability.

Support Persons – Any person that accompanies and assists a person with a disability.


Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. shall, upon request, supply a copy of the policies, practices and procedures required under the Ontario Regulation 429-07 - Accessibility Standards for Customer Service to any person.

Management & Employee Expectations


To implement this policy, management shall:

  • Establish practices and procedures

  • Evaluate practices and procedures

  • Revise practices and procedures as required

Accessibility Coordinator

The Accessibility Coordinator is appointed by the company and shall:

  1. Review this policy on an annual basis, and revise where necessary.

  2. Provide customers and interested parties with a copy of this policy upon request.

  3. Make this policy available in alternate formats upon request.

  4. Ensure that all staff members are appropriately trained regarding the customer service accessibility act.

  5. Ensure that notice is provided for any disruption of service.

  6. Collect and follow up on all customer feedback.


All staff will be required to:

  1. Participate in Customer Service Accessibility Training.

  2. Provide consistently high levels of customer service to all customers and ensure that they are served in a manner that allows access to all products and services offered.

  3. Employ the skills and knowledge presented in the Customer Service Accessibility Training Program to ensure that customers are served appropriately.

  4. Inform management of any issues regarding accessibility, or disruptions in service.

  5. Adhere to the Customer Service Accessibility Policy at all times.

  6. Provide assistance to customers where necessary and ensure that all walkways are kept clear at all times.

  7. Obtain consent from the customer in the event that confidential information must be shared with a support person.

Feedback Process

Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. shall provide customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to them. Feedback forms along with alternate methods of providing feedback such as, verbally, over the phone, through email will be available upon request.

All customers will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted.

Service Animals

Service animals will be allowed access to our premises, except in areas where otherwise prohibited by law (e.g. food preparation areas).

Where service animals are not clearly identified, a staff member will ask the owner to provide appropriate documentation.

Assistive Devices

All premises are accessible, and allow the use of assistive devices, including but not limited to:

  • Wheelchairs

  • Walkers

  • White canes

  • Note taking devices

  • Portable magnifiers

  • Recording machines

  • Assistive listening devices

  • Personal oxygen tanks

  • Devices for grasping

Support Persons

Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. shall waive any applicable access fees to the premises and/or company run events for a support person that accompanies a person with a disability.

Unless there is a genuine safety concern, support persons shall be allowed to accompany the customer at all times. If confidential information needs to be shared, consent will be obtained from the customer, prior to any conversation.

Admission Fee - Advance Notice

In the event that admission fees are charged, advance notice concerning what admission, if any, would be charged to a support person shall be posted in a conspicuous place.

Notice of Disruptions in Service

Glen Dimplex Americas Ltd. will provide as much advance notice as is possible regarding any planned or unplanned disruption in service or availability of accessible products/services.

Service disruptions will be posted in writing at all entrances and at the point of disruption. Where possible, we will make every effort to provide notice to customers over the phone and on our website.


Staff will be required to participate in all company-provided Customer Service Accessibility Training. The training provided will include best practices for interactions with customers with a disability. Training records shall be kept identifying date training was provided and to whom the training was provided.

For More Information:

To review the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Ontario Regulation 429/07 in its entirety, please visit:

Ontario Regulation 429/07

For additional information visit the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) website at:



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